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Thank you for visiting our page Arts for Christ.
Father God of all creativity has enriched His children with many talents for the building of His Kingdom in the world.
We are indeed glad to exhibit the talents that God has given me, under the identity of ‘Arts for Christ.’
It includes drawing workshops for kids in the Churches, motivating youths in special youth camps, street art,
biographical art of missionaries, graphic design and many more.

Our Vision

Creating awareness to the Church leaders about GOSPEL through ART.
Spreading the Gospel through art can cross all the boundaries of nation, language, education, etc…
and enables anyone to comprehend easily. Hence churches are emphasized to motivate children
who are talented to draw in spreading Gospel through them.
Especially the importance of Art of Drawing in the Gospel ministry is highlighted in contrast to the Music field that is prioritized by churches today!
From Sunday school syllabus to theological studies the effective role played by drawings is known to all. We deeply believe that just like Bezalel,who was appointed to perform the artistry work in the tabernacle, every church is given a Bezalel whom the church has to identify.
If a breakthrough is to happen in Christian media, talented persons should not be enslaved to the pride of the earth,
but surrender to the Lord’s service. By doing so the speed of the gospel ministry
can be more effectiveis what ARTS4CHRIST is trying to emphasize.

He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor… (I Sam 2:8)

Pastor Pushparaj
Founder – Arts for Christ

Placed in a small village in Periyapalayam in Thiruvallur district, Pastor Pushparaj is serving the Lord with his wife and two sons as a family.

Having accepted Jesus Christ at the age of 21, he had been using his talent as an artist for serving the Lord. God is using him mightily for the expansion of the Gospel ministry.

He is being used by GEMS (Bihar) and UVBS (Trichy)in drawing attractive pictures of missionaries’ biography, which has touched many thousands of young lives. He strongly believes that, there would be a great move in spreading the gospel if only every talents of an artist were utilized for Christ alone. With this vision he commenced ARTS4CHRIST ministry and have motivated many young people. Moreover, he conducts‘Art Workshop’, to identify an artist in every church and emphasize the importance of artistry in ministry.

In order to motivate and accelerate youngsters to implement their God given talents for Jesus, he organizes YOUTH RETREATS and expounds about the blessings and success of yielding to the Lord’s service. Motivational words from his life’s experience and testimonies area great source of spiritual enlightening for the youth.

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